
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 20, 2013 OOTD - I got some new boots

     Today I got some new boots in the mail, so I figured I would show them off in an OOTD.  This is actually my first ever OOTD blog post without an associated video.  Yay! lol.

     These boots were just one pair being sold on Ebay and I can't find any others on there, but here is another link to them ---> Bare Traps Trudy Slouch Boot in case you were wondering :)

     They were $12.99 with $8 shipping or so, which is a pretty good deal in my opinion.  I am really the chick who only buys things when they are on clearance, so these boots sounded like a good deal to me, because when I looked them up they were running around $30-something on most other sites.  These were the "display shoes" at wherever they were being sold before I got them, but they are in perfect brand-new condition. 

     I wanted some new boots because fall is coming!  I love fall and winter; best seasons ever in the whole wide world!  And my other pair of black boots are just totally on their last leg.  I should really throw them out, they are just falling apart.  They're at that point when you step in a puddle, your foot gets wet; not cool!

    These boots have a teeny tiny baby heel, which I'm like whatever about.  The bottoms actually have like tread grippy bits, so I will be safe while walking. :-p  The calf section is a little snug, so I don't think wearing jeans with these is going to be an option, I guess I'll have to give in and find some jeggings some day.

In case you are concerned... I do listen to Nirvana.  I am not that chick who wears band tees just because they are "cool."  I actually haven't worn a band tee in a long long time.  This thing is probably from my middle school days. 

Other clothing items information:

Tights - on clearance at Target for $1.50, they had tons of other colors too! Go to Target and find yourselves some cheap tights!  They are also "capri" length tights.  All the ones I saw at my Target on clearance were "capri" or "footless," I didn't come across any "footed" tights; is that the proper way to say that?
Shorts - Amethyst brand, probably purchased from Deb
T-Shirt - Hot Topic, from years ago, and I cut the back up myself & also cut out the neckline

No accessories cuz I'm just hanging out around the house mostly.  The whole point of this post is just because of the new boots. :)

Thanks for reading!

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