
Monday, September 29, 2014

OCC Lip Tar Test Tubes - Champagne Shores - Trollop & Pris Swatches & Review

(pictures above are 1st: a mixture of Pris and Trollop, 2nd: Trollop alone)

I love using Pris as a highlight in the center of my lips for so many different colors! However, sometimes it can wear off strangely.  Sometimes Pris leaves behind chunky glitter on the lips instead of a nice sheen.  And it doesn't take long for it to get that way either.  Not even a couple of hours in, Pris will start to look too glittery and less shiny. 

 I don't find that the primer does much to help this particular lip product stay put or last any longer.

The color lasts a long time, however, this product tends to bleed outside the lip lines for me personally.  

They are both beautiful colors but I still need to figure out a way to keep it from bleeding and stay looking nice throughout the day.

Overall, I'm unsure if I would recommend this particular pack of OCC lip tars.  It is my first purchase of OCC products, but I'm somewhat on the fence about them thus far.

Let me know what you think, have you tried this particular set?

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! love the post!
