
Thursday, December 3, 2015

My Secret Diary Post : 1st Month TTC + Two Week Wait Symptoms

21 September 2015 - Pre-Ovulation

I was just thinking, if we got pregnant this cycle, our baby would be due in June, perhaps even right around our anniversary! How amazing would that be to have a baby for a 1 year anniversary present!

27 September - 1 DPO

The app I have predicted ovulation would occur on 9/25, but this is only my second cycle off birth control and I know it probably isn't perfectly regular. I'm feeling awfully confident about this. It's our first month trying, and I know most people take a few months to get pregnant, but I am just having such high hopes right now! I know I'm going to absolutely dread this TWW haha. Our first TWW!

If I am pregnant, I wonder how I'm going to keep it a secret from our friends at their annual Halloween party! I always party it up pretty hard and Justin drives home, but perhaps this year, I'll have to be the DD! On the other hand, if I'm not pregnant this month, the weekend of their party will probably be right around our next time to try (aka one last party before making a baby?)!

I also get excited because the holidays are coming and I'll get to tell my family with cute gifts, etc. (if I can keep a secret that long). I don't see anything wrong with telling family sooner rather than later, but I'm unsure if I will tell my friends as soon.

Bottom line is I'm super happy and excited and I look forward to seeing how this month pans out.

30 September - 4 DPO

I know, I know, everyone is going to say it's too early to be feeling symptoms, but I've just felt strange the last couple of days. I've felt kind of crappy the last two mornings, then again yesterday afternoon. Not feeling sick, per say, but just not feeling right.

That's really the extent of it right now though. I haven't been feeling any other symptoms, and I could definitely be over-analyzing things too. Also, I'm not too familiar with what my body feels like when it's ovulating, and just running off my natural hormones in general, since I've been on the pill for years.

If you want to see more in depth TWW symptoms, click here.

1 October - 5 DPO

I don't feel like I have any symptoms today. I don't feel sick. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning, but that's really not anything significant honestly.

5 October - 9 DPO

I tested yesterday (8 DPO) just because I could not help myself! I know it was too early haha. I got a negative and felt somewhat discouraged, even though I know it was just too early. I should have just waited. I think I might try Wednesday (11 DPO) because I'm crazy and can't help myself.

Yesterday I had an emotional breakdown and I sure hope that's some hormones doing their job, otherwise I just lost it for no good reason. :-P

Over the past few days, I've also gotten these short waves of very slight light-headedness.

I filmed some YouTube videos over the weekend, as I do, and I noticed as I went back to edit one, I seemed to be out of breath at one point. I thought that was weird. Then today at work, I was talking to some customers and I was like totally winded just from walking 30 steps outside and back. I wouldn't have thought anything of it if I just did it while filming, but the fact that I also felt winded today made me perk my ears up and wonder if that's another symptom.

On Friday and Saturday (6 and 7 DPO) I was having some cramping (implantation hopefully :)). My abdominals felt like I did some crunches and were just sore feeling, but I haven't even been to the gym in like a month lol. On Friday and Saturday I also got two zits at the corner of my mouth and my mustache area. Then Sunday night (8 DPO) I started to feel a cold sore coming on! And that's super rare, I can't even remember the last time I got a cold sore. So either I'm really trying to see symptoms or all of a sudden over the weekend, things have started to come together.

6 October - 10 DPO

I tested again this morning and OMG! there is the faintest possible line! Like sooo faint. I kept going back and forth between "am I crazy and seeing things?" or "OMG there's really a baby in there!" I shouldn't have tested though because I told Justin I would wait for him. He was there to look at the first test on Sunday with me. But the next time I test, he will definitely be there and hopefully the line will be stronger! He would have just called me crazy anyway if he saw today's super duper faint one.

But anyway, in other news, my boobies hurt. It seems to be the sides and underneath right now, but I felt a shooting sensation through my nipple area just this morning. I have another headache (I had a bad one yesterday too). This is gonna suck though because I am prone to headaches and Excedrin was the only thing that worked for me, but now I know that Excedrin isn't good for baby, so I gotta take Tylenol, which I know doesn't work half as well. For me, Tylenol just takes the edge off, but never really takes care of the full blown pain.

And holy cow, have I been an emotional wreck. The past two nights (8 and 9 DPO) I have freaked out over nothing and ended up in a crying fit. I mean, dude, I thought I was losing my mind. Sunday night I got mad at Justin over something I can't even remember right now and I took a drive to the park and just cried for 15 minutes. Then last night I got mad at him for not cleaning the crock pot which lead to a fight about a lot of other things and I cried a lot some more. When we made up last night I just said I was sorry and didn't know what was wrong with me. Ha. I'm pretty crazy on an everyday basis, but the crazy level has been very increased the last two days.

7 October - 11 DPO


Thank you so much for reading about our two week wait! If you want to see a simple outline of symptoms by day, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Alaina and Tiny Baby to come!

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