
Friday, December 4, 2015

My Secret Diary Post - Week 6 - 1st Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms, Overview, Updates, etc.

I still don't know if I should be calling this Week 6 or 5 Weeks. Yes, I'm 5 full weeks plus some days, but it's technically the sixth week, the fifth week is already over. Week 1 = days 1-7, right? You're only 1 week after those 7 days are up. Then you're in the second week. Same applies here, right? That's how I see it anyway.

Week 6 - Oct. 16-22

5 Weeks 0 Days - Today Justin sent me a picture of a little onesie that says "player 3 has entered the game" with a game controller on it. I think he's getting excited too! I keep telling him that I don't know how I'm going to wait the two weeks until my dad's birthday and I just want to tell everyone now! I even want to tell at Thanksgiving instead of Christmas (Thanksgiving will be 10 weeks 6 days, Christmas will be 15 weeks 5 days because my family celebrates on Christmas Eve). If we wait till Christmas, we can tell the sex at the same time. I can't decide. I'm sure Justin will make me wait. I guess we'll just have to see how much I'm showing by those two points. From everything I've seen online, the baby bump shows up at different times for everybody! And for some, it's like all of a sudden it appears out of nowhere. So I guess there's really no way to predict when this little one is going to start to show.

According to the pregnancy apps I have, this week baby finally starts to look like something, not just a blob of cells. It makes it feel so much more real when I can see on the app that it is some kind of tadpole or something. I am so excited for our appointment in two weeks! I can't wait to see it on ultrasound, even if there's not much to see. I am too excited for my own good. Haha. I'm not going to lie though, I always have this feeling in the back of my mind, what if it's not growing right and what if I miscarry? What if we go in to the doctor in two weeks and there's no heartbeat? It terrifies me. Everytime I start to get excited about being able to tell people, I have this feeling that says, "you don't even know if it's going to become a baby yet." I think about telling my parents on Nov. 1, but then I remember I have to get through that doctor's appointment on Oct. 29. I just hope that the next appointment calms my mind. I know I have to give this fear over to the Lord and I'm working on that.

Still no morning sickness. It might still be early and I feel like once it comes, it's going to just attack. That's what I felt like with my other symptoms. The boobies just all of sudden were sore and my emotions just flew out the window one day. The heightened sense of smell seems to be off-and-on. When I want the kitchen trashcan emptied, it had better be emptied immediately! That's one scent that really bothers me. For one week now, my headaches have been okay. Two days before my positive test, I had one that was moderately bad, but since then, I haven't had anything bad, just a couple mild headaches.

I had a little bit of cramping in the afternoon for about an hour. It's the first cramping I've had since what I thought was implantation cramps, so it kinda freaked me out a bit. Then I remembered my doctor said that was normal and it was probably just my uterus stretching. I read a little bit online about it and I felt much better since it only lasted an hour or so anyway.


5 Weeks 3 Days - We told most of our close family over the weekend! We just couldn't take it anymore. Justin suggested we tell his mom Friday and so I felt obligated to tell my parents and sisters over the weekend too! I felt left out lol. I filmed my first ever pregnancy vlog which was fun and makes it feel more real, you can hear more about how we told everybody in that video.

As far as symptoms are concerned, I got pretty tired around 3 pm and I had some abdominal cramping today.

The last two days I felt like I was having a little bit of morning sickness in the afternoon/evenings. I never felt super sick, but just uneasy and overall not good. My boobies have been off and on super sore/less sore. Today they are less sore, yesterday they were more sore, but the two days prior to that, they were okay. So they have their own thing going on.

I finally caved and bought a new bra. I know it probably isn't going to fit for the entire pregnancy, but some of my bras are just pissing me off lately so I had to do something. I have never had big boobs, so some of my bras are push-up style (to actually make me look like I have something going on there) and those are just not comfortable or reasonable with my boobies growing like they are! I have to wear just normal lightly lined bras and I'm sure one day I'm gonna give up on the underwire too.

Today I have had a melancholy/worrisome feeling over me most of the day. I am just worrying and letting the fear get to my head over the possibility of a miscarriage. I think it's the fact that sooo many people know now, it's making me nervous and afraid of the worst possible thing!


5 Weeks 4 Days - I feel like fatigue has slapped me in the face. Yesterday afternoon, I was tired feeling, but I did NOT want to get out of bed this morning and sitting at work has made me just want to pass out.

I've had a little more cramping today, but super duper light.

Perhaps I've had a little bit of heartburn this week, but I don't think I've ever had it before so I can't say for sure. It's hard to identify all of these new things that are happening to my body when I've never experienced them before! lol.

I have been slathering my whole torso with Palmer's Tummy Butter every single day, sometimes twice per day. I know stretch marks are pretty much going to happen no matter what if I'm prone to having them. I just want to see if something like this is going to help any. It's more of an experiment. And it also makes me feel closer to baby. I can think about him/her everyday when I rub lotion all over my tummy and I feel like it will only get more exciting as my tummy grows! The Palmer's Tummy Butter keeps my skin moisturized all day long. You can feel it on the skin even after 16+ hours. It's not annoying and oily feeling either, it just feels nice and nourished, which is going to be awesome as winter comes along here in the American Midwest.

I know my body isn't going to look the same when this is over and done with (and also not once I put my body through the baby making process for years to come, God willing). Yes, a part of me is sad about that, but I am so excited to have a little family it's not even funny! I get jealous of seeing little family portraits and I can't wait to have my own! I can't wait to see different aspects (both physically and personality -wise) of myself and Justin in our little one!


5 Weeks 5 Days - I think I spoke too soon about the morning sickness. It has arrived today. Just an overall feeling of crappiness with waves of "I think I'm sick" tummy-aches. Snacking helps a little, but I can't just snack all day!

I keep sleeping like crap at night. I just can't get comfortable, it's either too hot or too cold, my pillow is not fluffy enough or the blankets are all tangled up. It just sucks. And I can't wait because this is only the beginning! OMG.

I think my under-eye dark circles are really bad lately (maybe because of the sleeping issues). I haven't gotten any new zits on my face since the TTW, but I have noticed a couple zits on my hairline or in my hair, which is super weird for me.

Justin has been terrific. He's always getting me the snacks that I want at the end of the day. He already helped around the house so much before we got our little baby and I feel like he's even stepped up his game in the chores department once again. I really could not ask for a more amazing husband. He's going to be the best daddy ever! I just know it. I know some days, with my psycho hormones, I don't see all the good he does, but when I'm in my right mind, I'm so glad I can recognize it. He's the best. Seriously.

If you are still very early in your pregnancy, I'm sure you've found this site already:
But this little website helps me get through each scary day. I try really hard not to think about it, but every once in awhile it gets in the back of my mind and taking a look at my particular day on this chart makes me feel better, not worse! I hope it's helpful to you too. According to this chart, we're under 10% tomorrow! So exciting! But the doctor appointment next week to hear/see the heartbeat is going to be a Godsend as far as putting my mind at ease is concerned!

At our first appointment, she gave me the option of having our next appointment on the Monday of week 7, but I put it off til Thursday because my boss always requests I make things to do on any day but a Monday or Friday. Man, do I wish I had chosen Monday instead of Thursday so we would see the heartbeat that much sooner! But then again, I think, this is still really early, what if we went in on the Monday and it was so early and they could not find the heartbeat and then it would just worry me even more until the next appointment?! Perhaps, God pushed me to choose the Thursday appointment because it would mean a better chance of seeing the heartbeat! :) I really do think this pregnancy is bringing me closer to the Lord. And I sure hope it can bring Justin to Him too.

5 Weeks 6 Days - I got my first feeling of actual nausea (more than just a tummy ache) and felt like I might actually get sick. Yuck. But I feel less fatigued, so I guess that's okay.



On Saturday Justin made little smokies in BBQ sauce in the crockpot. The smell of the BBQ sauce totally grossed me out! I ended up eating like 2 or 3 smokies after they had been cooking for several hours, but that initial smell right out of the bottle made me feel sick. He had some BBQ flavored chips Wednesday and that smell grossed me out too, but I ate the chips. Maybe I am just anti-BBQ at this point right now. lol.

I have a couple Ghirardelli dark chocolate sea salt and caramels everyday at work. Love those!

I love carrots, but I loved those before I was pregnant too. I love them in the crock pot with potatoes and meat with all the yummy juices soaked up all day and I love them baked and seasoned. Right now I'm actually kind of worried because I ate the last of the bag of baby carrots last night and I have to remember to tell Justin to get some on the way home tonight. :)

I pack a few options for lunch each day because I just never know what I'll be in the mood for. I have always loved salad, so that's always a go in my book. EXCEPT that my doctor told me no Caesar dressing due to raw egg, and no Bleu cheese dressing because it may not be pasteurized. FYI, those are two of my favorite dressings, especially in-house restaurant style, which are more likely to have both of those bad things in them. Heavier foods like hot pockets don't always appeal to me (even though I used to love them!). Sometimes when I want a snack or am really hungry, I just can't make up my mind about what I want. Justin will give suggestions, but everything sounds terrible. I'm actually pretty surprised that I ate the chili I made for dinner last night.

When I'm hungry, I NEED food NOW. I can't just eat lunch at noon and survive until dinner at 5:30. I have to have something in between or else I feel deathly sick like I'm starving. I usually eat my breakfast around 8, a teeny tiny meal like a few bites of pasta around 10:30, lunch at noon, and by 2 or 3, I need to eat something else, and it can't just be snacks like chips, etc., otherwise at like 3:30 or 4, I think I'm dying.

I love sweets. I have always loved sweets though. Candy is less appealing than before, but I still love me some cake, cupcakes, muffins, cookies, etc. I've had cookie dough ice cream (which doesn't have real raw cookie dough in it FYI, I know that's a no-go, and a really big one that I hate lol) a couple nights. I don't find myself craving salty things so much anymore, like chips or crackers. It's just weird how I can dislike these things I am usually crazy over. Haha.


This weeks's highlights: My boobies hurt less, even though my nipples can be sensitive at times. I have had some abdominal cramping. I am definitely exhausted and definitely have some mild/moderate morning sickness. And food is just a mystery at this point. 

Thanks so much for reading!
I love you guys and I'm so glad you're here on this journey with me (even though you'll be reading this is the future, not quite as I'm typing it, I can't wait to tell all of you!). :)
Alaina and Tiny Baby

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