
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Super Big Exciting Crazy Announcement!

7 October 2015

OMG! Are you ready for this?! I have a really big announcement to make, and if you're anything like everybody else out there, I'm pretty sure you could have already guessed it. I know it's almost always my first thought when any of my favorite YouTubers title their video with "announcement" in the header. So here it is: I'm pregnant! Wow. I can't believe those words are coming out of my mouth (or typed out of my fingers through the keyboard).

And I wish so much with all of my little heart that I could tell you guys right now, here in October, but I'm probably going to have to wait til Christmas time before I let all of the internet know about this. I don't even know what to do about telling my family. I know we should probably at least wait until our first doctor's appointment (which I haven't even called to schedule yet because I just took the test this morning!). Justin wants me to wait til Christmas so we can give our parents cute presents to surprise them, but I really really don't think I can keep it a secret for that long! I want to tell people right now, today! I guess it's good that I can type it all out here and kinda get it out of my system for now.

I think about how exciting it will be to tell my extended family at Christmas this year (that is if my parent's can keep it a secret from everyone until then too lol and also that depends if Justin is going to let me tell my parents earlier than Christmas!)

So I guess I'll tell you about how we found out. Tuesday morning October 6 I took a test right as Justin was heading out the door for work. I thought about calling him to come back, but I just felt like it wouldn't show anything because it was super early. So I waited the five minutes, went back and looked at the test and I saw THE FAINTEST POSSIBLE LINE EVER! I kept going back and forth about it, is that a line or am I crazy?

Justin told me to wait for him to test. So I already broke the rule and knew I was going to be in trouble :-P. When he came home Tuesday night I just had to confess to him and I showed him the test. I know he couldn't see that darned line, but he at least kinda acted like he could, so I didn't look crazy lol. So I told him I'd wake a little earlier and test in the morning Wednesday (today) and I guaranteed him we'd see a line. So I woke up about 20 minutes before he got up and tested, then I left it in the packaging on the bathroom counter and in 20 minutes when Justin woke, he went in there to look at it without me. He just came back to bed normally and didn't say anything, so I asked him if he saw a line and he said "there's one dark line and one light line." So I jumped out of bed and told him that if he was just joking with me I was going to kill him. When I went to check it out, sure thing, there was a faint line, but it was definitely there, no second guessing like Tuesday's test! :)

We didn't freak out like I always thought we would. I know it hasn't sunk in with me yet. I can't believe it. It doesn't feel like real life. I always envisioned us like screaming or crying or just going crazy in any manner, but we didn't.

The bottom line is, though, that we are so unbelievably blessed to conceive in our first month trying! I read so much about the struggles other couples have gone through trying to conceive and I just kinda assumed that it would take a little while, but I know now that this is all part of God's plan and He is watching over us every step of the way. When I threw away my last pack of birth control pills I said it was all in God's hands now. And he has blessed us well beyond my expectations!

I so look forward to the months ahead in preparation for baby - in our marriage, in our home, and within our hearts and minds!

Thank you for reading and I hope you are excited for this journey too!
Alaina and Tiny Baby


  1. Congratulations! :) I am so happy for you ^_^ I first found out on your youtube channel, and then i came for here for more details :) I hope everything will be perfectly great with you.

  2. Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments! :)
