
Sunday, March 27, 2016

28 Weeks Pregnant : Third Trimester Pregnancy Update, Symptoms, etc.

Week 28 - March 18-24

Our baby boy Calvin Lee is due June 17, 2016!

Welcome to the third trimester! I know some apps and blogs vary on the exact starting week, but I'm counting it now!

Growing all the time! I put on my Old Navy maternity jeans Monday and the top of that full panel is slowing inching its way down my belly. Haha. 

Maternity Clothes:
Discovered that my winter coat no longer zips. We've had several weeks of decent weather so I haven't worn it in awhile. Then all of a sudden here on the first day of spring, we got snow, I put on my coat, and noticed I've got about a 3-4 inch gap where I'm unable to cover. Haha. So it looks like the weather worked out just perfectly for me in this pregnancy, I didn't have to buy a new coat. :)

Things were going good until after our doctor appointment Thursday (you can read more about the appointment later on in this post). I had a mini breakdown and I cried for a bit just worrying too much.

More cravings lately. For bad stuff. Candy corn, Cheetos. Great. 

Sleep & Dreams:
Snoring again, but sleep has been good. I know a few weeks back sleep was getting sucky and I was thinking to myself, noooo it can't be like this so soon! But thank goodness it's going well lately. I feel very fortunate to at least still enjoy bedtime. I might be uncomfortable for half of my waking hours, but at least at night everything is going pretty smoothly at this point. I don't know how much longer that's going to continue, but I'm so happy that it's still good right now.

I want a nap every day. If only I could nap at work.

This week was bad, but I've got myself a new goal for next week. Perhaps walking is not the way to progress through the third trimester, seeing as sometimes it makes my back and hips ache. Instead, maybe it's time to switch back to workout videos and other at home workouts. So we'll see how that goes! I need to continue to incorporate some sort of workouts for the sake of our little Calvin!

Other Symptoms:
Round ligament pain! Achey hips when I get out of bed.
Pregnancy brain is here to stay, I think. It just seems that there have been several occasions this week when I just totally felt out of it and was making stupid mistakes or forgetting things.

I've been feeling a lot more movement down low this past week or so. And I can feel him low and high at the same time, I can just feel him wiggle all over. Whereas in weeks past, it felt like he was only occupying the top half of my uterus, now he's everywhere. Haha. This week he has made a lot of movements that you can definitely see from the outside. Monday night he was going crazy, I just watched him move across my belly, there was a moment when I could see a significant bump for like five solid seconds just protruding from my belly. Once again, like I say every week, he is getting so strong! 

Favorite Moments of the Week:
Early Monday morning Justin put his hand on my belly for a few minutes while we were in bed. I think he probably thought I was still sleeping, so that was a sweet moment to feel him feeling for Calvin even though I was "sleeping."
Justin made the comment that this was all going by so fast and before we know it, I'll be pregnant with our second child. It really is true that every year seems to fly by faster than the last. I mean Justin and I have been together almost seven years now! Before we know it, Calvin will be here, with our one year wedding anniversary soon to follow (unless Calvin hangs out in there for an additional week or two lol).

Gathering Things for Calvin:
Justin made Calvin's name decor for the nursery this weekend! It's so adorable. And that's really the last thing we had going on in the nursery. We have a footprint and handprint frame we want to hang, and probably a little picture or something else to fill the remaining wall space, but those are items that have to wait for Calvin to show up! So, as far as I'm concerned, the nursery is all ready!
We even spent the weekend doing baby clothing laundry. Justin got a bunch of stuff from a coworker and we have pretty much already filled Calvin's dresser. Haha. The clothes do range all the way up to 2 years, so we can make room as we go, too. We honestly have pretty much everything. We got a ton of stuff from my older sister and Justin's coworker. I think a lot of our registry and baby shower stuff will probably end up being duplicates. But good thing we have two grandmas to give stuff to as well! Justin's mom and my mom will be watching Calvin when I go back to work. Although my mom has tons of stuff from watching my nieces, I'm sure there are other little things she'd like to have too. We have a swing, rocker, bouncers, a play mat, a high chair, stroller, infant car seat and bigger car seat, a pack and play, a bumbo, enough bibs to feed an army of babies at the same time, multiple crib sheets, and more. From what we've collected so far, we really just need a handful of things (and some of the most important things haha)...
bottles, breast pump, storage, cleaning, etc.
basic supplies like diapers, wipes, etc.
a boppy
burp cloths and swaddle blankets, etc.
another car seat for Justin's car or at least an extra base for the one we have
baby carrier
baby monitor
baby first aid/nail/health kit
baby proofing supplies
some clothes

Childbirth Class:
The class we took was an all day event on Saturday. It was like a class in that we watched a film, discussed it, had a guest speaker, etc. We didn't get on the floor and practice any birthing positions, but we did discuss them. I feel like we learned a lot, even though some of it was stuff we already knew, it was definitely very helpful.
The biggest thing I took away from this class was both eye-opening and somewhat unsettling. It was taught by a woman who works a lot with natural births without pain meds. A lot of what she had to say really made me question whether or not an epidural is the way to go. I understand she was simply trying to lay out all of our options for us, but I left that class with more iffy decisions to make than I thought I had.

Doctor Appointment:
Ok, we got to see Calvin again on ultrasound, which was great. He is just so cute and seeing his profile and his face and watching him move around while I feel him moving at the same time really helped me to come closer to reality (I talk more about that in the random thoughts section). On the other hand, this appointment feels like it's made me more worried than before, after thinking we'd get some stuff cleared up this time around. Calvin is estimated at 3 pounds 2 ounces, which is two weeks ahead. My uterus itself is measuring 36 cm! 36 cm at 28 weeks (should be around 28 cm at this point)! She said I had a lot of fluid too. The fluid she wasn't worried about and pretty much just told me it makes me feel more uncomfortable but it's nothing to worry about. So at least I feel justified in feeling so uncomfortable and crappy some days. Lol. But I took the glucose test and will have results back Monday (since Friday is Good Friday and they're closed). My doctor already sounded like she figured I did have gestational diabetes because Calvin's big and I have a lot of fluid. So we'll see what those results bring. If it comes back that my blood sugar was not high, I guess Calvin's just a big baby.

What I Miss:
Nothing I'm missing this week, I'm just so excited to meet our baby boy! And it still feels sooo far away! I want him here now! Haha.

Random Thoughts:
Early in the week: Although I surely realize there's a tiny baby in my tummy, it's really hard for me to actually picture him. When I feel my belly and feel hard spots and softer spots, I try to visualize how he's laying in there and I just can't comprehend it. I know he's in there, but I think there's still this little bit of disconnect. I just can't imagine what he looks like. It's just so hard for me to picture him as a tiny baby with little features and hair and nails, I can't help but imagine him still as a very thin little guy but I know he's starting to pack on the ounces. I hope that makes sense.
Since our latest ultrasound, I definitely feel more connected to our little Calvin.

Thanks so much for reading!
Alaina and Little Calvin

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