
Friday, May 5, 2017

Our Overnight Cloth Diaper Solution : 1 Year Old Boy

I was so afraid to cloth diaper overnight. We've only been cloth diapering Calvin since he was 9 months old, so we went two months without even attempting to try it overnight. This was the first combination we tried and it worked for us. We've been very lucky and haven't had to troubleshoot nighttime at all so far. Fingers crossed!

This is what works overnight for 10-13 hours for us, starting closest to the skin out to the cover:

Stay-dry liner

I watched a lot of YouTube videos about nighttime cloth diapering before making the attempt. A fitted diaper and hemp insert seemed to be a pretty popular combination. I threw the stay dry liner on top just in case it would make him feel more comfortable and it actually makes cleaning up his first thing in the morning poo way easier. I have no idea what brand the stay dry liner is because we got them in some hand me down clothing bags. 

We already owned some Thirsties hemp inserts and I had wanted to try out some GMD workhorse diapers anyway, thinking about building a newborn stash for future babies, so I purchased a couple medium and large GMD workhorse fitteds just for overnights. For a fitted diaper, they're reasonably priced, natural and organic. Calvin can fit in the mediums, but they come kind of low on his backside, so we prefer the large at this point, he is around 23 pounds. 

And that's what works! I hope it does for you too. Let me know what your overnight diaper looks like!

My videos:
Our Overnight Cloth Diaper Solution video here.
Condensed overnight solution video with demo here.


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