
Friday, August 18, 2017

4 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #2

Week ending July 25, 2017.
Due Date: April 3, 2018

To baby #2:

Little tiny baby who lives in my belly, I am so excited to meet you! You are only just the size of a teeny tiny poppy seed but I can't wait to see you! I hope you look like Mommy, because your brother looks just like Dad.

I pray you are growing so perfectly in there.

please, i am so sorry for the dirty mirror, forgive me!

I took my first pregnancy test this cycle on Friday 7-21-17. I could not believe my eyes when I returned to the bathroom to see it was positive! I was totally not expecting it!
Justin and I started trying in May and we went through two cycles with no luck.
I know that's nothing compared to so many women out there and it only just gave me a tiny glimpse at the heartache they must experience month after month.


I seriously can't believe I'm back here typing up these updates once again! It feels like just yesterday I was this totally naive mommy-to-be! Haha. 

Bloated. I'm interested to see how quickly this bump shows up since everyone says it shows faster after the first go-around.

Maternity Clothes:
No way! Not yet!
But I can't wait to wear them again. I have already been browsing online. I don't need more, but it makes me excited just to think about styling the future bump!

I've been surprisingly good. Had zero crazy meltdowns. Unlike at this point when I was pregnant with Calvin. I had two before I even got my first positive with him. :)

"I will not gain 7 pounds in the first trimester, I will not gain 7 pounds in the first trimester, I will not gain 7 pounds in the first trimester!"

Sleep & Dreams:
Been having more vivid and numerous dreams since a couple days before my positive test. Dreamt about cigarettes once. I dreamt about drinking and smoking when I was pregnant with Calvin like all the time haha.

Actually pretty good so far.

Physical Symptoms:
Slight light-headedness, but much less than I remember with Cal.
Some light cramping, but much less than I remember with Cal.

Favorite Moments of the Week:
Seeing the positive test and running downstairs to tell Justin before he left for work. And telling my sweet Calvin he was going to be a big brother!
Taking a family photo on the back porch and knowing we secretly had four people in the picture!

Baby Purchases:
Well I did buy some more Buttons diaper covers with the excuse that we'll have two in cloth come next spring haha.

What I Miss:
Not having to keep a secret. Ah!

Random Thoughts:
I already feel guilty for forcing Calvin out of his only child position.

Alaina & Tiny Baby #2

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