
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

My Average Wetter Turned into a Heavy Wetter Overnight : Cloth Diapering our 17 Month Old Boy

What happened?

Everything was going smoothly.
Cloth diapering was going awesome. It was super easy. Everything worked.
Then all of a sudden, totally out of nowhere, some little mister started peeing like crazy. Instead of an insert 1/2 or 3/4 of the way full at 2.5-3 hours, we had leaks before the two hour mark even came. And the inserts were totally soaked. I mean dripping wet, no wonder it leaked, absolutely soaked front to back! I had this giant stash of inserts that looked to be totally useless now! We use Buttons diaper covers with Best Bottom, Buttons, and homemade snap-in inserts.

Buttons Pine (seasonal print fall 2017) aka cutest diaper ever, totally my new favorite

So I started using our trusty flats and sure enough, they work great. Yes, sometimes I do miss the convenience of an insert snapped into a cover when I have a squirmy wormy toddler on my hands at diaper changing time, but they last and they aren't leaking on us!

I like to use them both pad folded and wrapped around little mister like an old school flat diaper (hopefully pad folded at poo time haha).

We use Green Mountain Diapers birdseye (6) and muslin one size (6), and Nicki's bamboo cotton flats (6) in size large for a total of 18 flats.

And I had around 40 of the snap in inserts! That's a big investment!

Although it sucks because I naively expected them to last until potty training, at least I know those little inserts will work for baby brother Eren this time next year. :)

Nicki's bamboo flat w/ Snappi
Another lesson learned, and another reason I totally should have just started out with flats! Haha. They save so much money. They're cheaper per item ($3-4 vs. $5-7) and they dry on the line overnight (unlike the inserts which take a full 48 hours on the line). For that reason, I don't need such a big stash. With inserts, I needed essentially 4 days worth of diapers (even though I had almost 6 days worth haha) because they take two days to dry. With flats, they dry while we're sleeping, so I don't need as many.

So I'll probably end up buying another pack or two of flats and call it a day. I can't decide though if I should buy the Nicki's bamboo that I love so much or try something new. I do like experimenting, maybe I'll find it in the budget to get some hemp flats? :)

Thanks for reading!

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