
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Personal Update : Fall 2017

Here's just a random little rambly update about my own personal life, without really talking about the children. Sometimes it seems like my only identity is as a mother, but I'm my own individual self too, man!

I know we're only halfway finished with pregnancy #2, but I am excited to have this baby and get my body back. Since we planned on having our first two pretty close together, I have to be honest in saying that I wasn't super motivated to get my body back to pre-pregnancy weight super fast since I felt like I was just going to hop right back into pregnancy and all the weight gain that comes along with it soon enough. I was about 10 pounds heavier with baby #2 than when I started off with Calvin baby #1. Now, at least for the time being, we want to take a break from baby making for a few years before we start trying for #3. And that gives me some kind of motivation to get fit. I just can't wait to work on my body again and feel confident at a weight I am happy about. By the end of this pregnancy, it will be close to three years since I had the body I wanted.

And it has motivated me (at least lately) to watch myself better during this pregnancy. The less weight I gain in these next four months, the less I have to lose once new baby arrives. The better diet I get myself on now, the easier it will be to eat reasonably once baby is born too.

I didn't track my weight gain after the first trimester with Calvin. And this time around I am holding myself accountable by announcing the weight gain in my updates. I am teaching myself that it's all about moderation. I don't need cookies every single evening before bed. I can have cookies as a treat once or twice a week instead. And although it's only been about two weeks that I've been watching myself better, I can totally tell a difference. I am counting calories and trying to chose fruits over sweets and adding more veggies to dinner, etc. Taking walks in this cold weather is 0% appealing, but I've begun yoga once a week and hope to gradually get myself up to three workouts each week.

In the meantime, I'm excited to just be a mom of two for now. I'm excited to be a hot mom, honestly. I'm excited to just be content in what we have at the moment. To be content with two babies for now. I've always wanted four. And I know one day, we'll complete our family, but it's exciting to just settle down for a little bit.

And it may sound crazy to even be thinking about all of this when we still have 20 weeks to go before we even meet Mr. Eren baby #2, but I'm just excited for the future.

Thanks for listening.

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