
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Third Trimester Update: I feel like the nesting is beginning

We moved Calvin into his big boy room this week. He's successfully slept there 3-4 nights now and he's doing super awesome! And I think perhaps this event has pushed me into nesting mode. The nursery is now a little more empty.

But it hasn't started with baby stuff, it's begun with my own junk. Just last night I threw out a couple handfuls of million year old nail polish and bunches of old skincare samples. Like where did all these things come from?! Over the weekend I was going through my makeup.

Then last night I took the first step in the baby's room: I filled up the changing table with our newborn diaper collection! I am so excited to cloth diaper Eren from the very start.

Still haven't pulled out the newborn clothes yet, still haven't gotten the bassinet out, but I know it's coming! And I can't wait to sit down in the nursery folding and putting away all those adorable tiny baby clothes I haven't seen in a year and a half!

And yes, I totally do want to buy baby stuff! But I know it's totally unnecessary. We have everything that we used with Calvin. And Cal and Eren are both spring babies so the seasonal clothing selection should work out fine for Eren too. It's so fun to gaze at the baby clothes in stores and online though. But I know Eren has plenty. Calvin had plenty of outfits he'd only worn once. They grow so fast.

And I know that technically, I could still have three months before meeting this little boy, on the inside I swear he's coming early and will be here in just about two!


So far I have picked up a couple items for our newest addition, but really not much.

I ordered a personalized teether from Zen Mamas.
I got four sleeper sacks (these and these) because I wanted to try so
me with Calvin but never got around to it. I like the concept of just being able to pull up the gown to change a diaper in the night instead of half undress a crying baby.

I do want to order some regular t-shirts for Eren, since we will be cloth diapering this time around, I want to be able to show off his fluff. :) And I'd like to try those kimono style shirts and see if they're any easier for dressing a little one, I was intrigued by them with Calvin but never purchased any.

Some other things I want are really more for me than Eren. I'd like some new nursing bras and a good nursing night gown. And I want to get a set of picture frames for the hallway for Eren's newborn pictures. And I think I want to get that Lansinoh Therapearl compress. Man, I do not look forward to the clogged ducts that come with those early weeks of nursing!

I just can't wait for this little guy to arrive! Although I pray it won't be too soon, like his brother attempted. I am so excited to see how our family dynamic changes. I can't believe I'm going to be a mommy of two in no time!

Thanks for reading.

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