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Sunday, April 10, 2016

30 Weeks Pregnant : Third Trimester Pregnancy Update, Symptoms, etc.

Week 30 - April 1-7

Our baby boy Calvin Lee is due June 17, 2016!

Thirty weeks! Holy crap, we've only got "10" to go! I put 10 in quotations because our baby boy could come early or late, who knows when he's gonna decide to make his arrival! :)

I'm pretty sure this bump cannot get any higher. It is literally right up to my boobies and I don't know how all my insides are still fitting in there. Haha. It's usually like that in the afternoons and evenings, but this week, it's like that all day from the moment I get up, so that's sucky.
Holy crap, I know I've said it before, but looking back at weeks past remembering how big I thought I was makes me laugh and laugh! Haha. That bump was nothing! It's growing humongous every week now! I know in ten weeks I'm gonna look back and say the same thing about this 30 week update haha.  

Maternity Clothes:
This week was undergarments week lol.
New bra! Thank goodness. And it's convertible with the detachment in the front straps so I wonder if I could also kind of make it work for breastfeeding too. It has no underwire, has just enough padding, and still gives the boobies decent shape while still being comfortable, so yay!
Finally caved and got new underpants too. Although I must say I should have done this sooner and I'd have been more comfy, but wearing size large does not make me happy, especially seeing as I was wearing size small at this time last year! :(

Still happy to say it's going good, guys! Just one funny incident this week. My sister was moving into her new house this week (which is located on the same street as our house!) and she created some cute decor to hang in her kitchen. Well, apparently one of these canvases was broken on the way to her house. My husband saw it in the trash can. He told me about it, and although I did not cry, it made me very upset. I was like so sad that she made this artwork, then it just got destroyed. All of her hard work for nothing! I don't know what was wrong with me but every time they mentioned it, it just made me so sad. Haha. It's not even like she was very upset about it either, I just felt so terrible for her.

No real cravings or aversions this week. I do feel like I felt less hungry toward the end of the week. I've had these back and forth super starving all the time feelings, then the next day not so much. 

Sleep & Dreams:
Still sooo happy to report sleep is going good.

I think my energy has been alright this week. Perhaps, I'm more lazy this week? I haven't made our bed for like three days in a row this week, which is crazy! I honestly don't think I've ever not made our bed since we moved in together (up until now). (Not that I make it all cutesy everyday, but I at least don't leave it in a big ole pile of pillows and blankets lol)

I did learn that using the elliptical at the gym doesn't hurt my back like simply walking on the treadmill, so that's awesome. And I must say, it really is incredible how much effect this extra weight has on me, I breath heavy and my body aches just simply from walking for a period of time.

Physical Symptoms:
Back aches continue, even when I'm not really doing anything. It sucks when my back hurts and it honestly is the only thing that makes me say, holy crap I'm so done being pregnant (at this point at least).
Peeing has become a constant and urgent thing, almost painfully so.
First belly stretchmarks. I have hip and thigh stretchmarks for awhile now, but this week they appeared on my lower belly. If they're anything like the others, they may look little now, but they're only going to grow from here on out. Lol.

It's funny how one day he will be a little less active, then the next day he totally makes up for it and is extra crazy lol. 

Favorite Moments of the Week:
Went through the Dairy Queen drive through and the young lady working, who had a beautiful face of makeup on, she hung out the window to take my card, she just stopped and said "wow, you're gorgeous!" Now, that made my day. :)
And on a couple random occasions this week, Justin just randomly kissed my belly. :)

Baby Purchases:
Nothing purchased this week.

What I Miss:
Not peeing all the time, man!
I might confess I'm already tired of being pregnant some days. I can't wait to not be pregnant in a couple months, but then I think to myself, do I really want to do this all over again in a year or two? Lol. Being pregnant is hard man. I must admit my being tired of being pregnant stems from the back pain issue. I can deal with the swollen feet, the overall fatness, the belly that's all up in the boobies' personal space, the peeing all the time day or night, the heartburn and indigestion, the creaky hips and knees, but the back pain? No, that sucks. I hope he decides it's time to come at 37 weeks, just to spare me! But my family has a history of babies just chillin' in the womb for awhile longer, so we'll just have to see how this goes! Haha. Not gonna lie though, I'm pretty much already counting on him showing up a little earlier than 40 weeks because I keep referring to it as only being two months away (when in reality it's more like 2.5). I do pray he makes it till June though, I just can't imagine him having a May birthday, he was supposed to be a June baby! :)

Random Thoughts:
Over the weekend I seriously could not shake the urge to just hold our baby boy finally! I know he still has so much growing to do, but I just wanted him to be here already so bad! And on the other hand, there are still days when I just simply cannot imagine what life's gonna be like once he comes. I literally cannot imagine how hard it's going to be to get used to. Justin and I have been together for nearly seven years now, we can take care of ourselves, but what about another human being?! Are we really capable of taking care of another tiny little helpless person? I fear that we'll leave the house without him or something, not being used to hauling around another person. I know it's crazy, but those are just the mixture of feelings I've had lately.

Thanks so much for reading!
Alaina and Little Calvin

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