Foundation $9.98
Concealer $7.82
See the rest of the new Maybelline stuff I picked up here!
This is my review of the NEW Maybelline Super Stay Better Skin Foundation & Concealer. I will include both my first impression wearing it for a full day and also my review over a week's time. I hope you enjoy!
1st Impression
Upon application this foundation looks great. Although it may be a tad dark for me at this point, I'm looking past that. It looks natural, not cakey whatsoever. It builds up nicely too and doesn't look cakey with a second layer. I applied a full layer, then went back in on my cheeks for some extra coverage and it still looked really good. I used by Beauty Blender to apply it (like I almost always do with any foundation). I did not use a primer, just moisturized my skin as usual before application.
This foundation definitely needs a setting powder to top it all off (especially since I have super oily skin and it's now pretty much summertime and the humidity is in full force). However, it's not too shiny without a powder on top, it looks very natural, I just have a fear of wearing foundation with no powder because of my oily skin, I always set my foundations.
The concealer matches the shade of the foundation, so it isn't being used to highlight the face or brighten in any way, it's more suitable for just concealing blemishes than brightening the undereye area in this shade. At my Walmart, this was the lightest concealer shade, but I sure hope they have a lighter one for those with pale skin and those who want to use concealer to brighten. My freckles poke through the foundation every so slightly, but the concealer covered them right up.
I have the original SuperStay concealer and love it because it lasts all day long. However, it dries super fast and you have to work quickly with it (I always do one undereye at a time, that's how fast it dries down). If you don't work quick enough with the original, it can get a funky texture to it, so I am glad to report that this new Better Skin concealer doesn't dry that fast and doesn't do weird things as it sets. Yay!
2 Hour Update
The foundation is still looking good. It still looks very natural and awesome. Maybe even more natural than upon first application. No creasing along my smile lines (which I usually get with pretty much any foundation), so it's going good so far. My undereyes do look a tad dry, but I also did not apply an eye cream this morning, just a regular moisturizer all over. (undereyes do not look dry when I apply an eye cream)
4 Hour Update
While it is a humid day, I have been inside for the majority of the morning. The foundation is looking good. There is a little bit of creasing or settling into my smile lines by this point, but it's not as bad as some foundations can be. Undereyes are looking less dry. Concealer is holding up. It looks like I could use a bit of powder on my cheeks to tone down the glow (I won't call it oily because to me it looks very natural and not greasy). So far, so good. I don't see any breakdown of foundation anywhere.
9 Hour Update
I have two shiny spots on my cheeks. The foundation has somewhat sunk into my smile lines and around my nose. It almost looks powdery in other parts of my face that aren't oily. By now the oil looks shiny and oily, not just glowy. My pores in those oily spots look pretty big too, but keep in mind, I didn't use a primer.
My Overall Thoughts/Summary
I really like the concealer. I have no issues with it, just as long as I moisturize the eye area, it looks great, wears well, blends easily. It's a nice concealer, I just need to go find myself the lighter shade because my Walmart only had the Light/Medium in stock and I'd like to have the lighter one to brighten my undereyes. I would definitely recommend this concealer!

This foundation feels like it is just melting right off of my face when I am outside in the heat. It gets heavy feeling when I wear it outdoors for any significant amount of time (but pretty much any foundation feels heavy to me and my oily skin). However, it doesn't look too bad when I go back inside and check it out.
Maybe I'll just break it down by likes and dislikes...
What I like about the Better Skin Foundation...
Looks really natural on the skin
What I dislike about the Better Skin Foundation...
Transfers very easily
Looks oily halfway through the day (I have very oily skin and I live in hot and humid St. Louis)
I just don't know what to say about it! This is a pretty frustrating review because I don't know if I would recommend this or not. Perhaps if you don't have oily skin and don't live somewhere super hot and humid in the summertime, this might be a great foundation for you. But I don't think I'll be returning it either.
After having worn this foundation every few days over the week, I am unable to make any remarks on it's claim to the title "Better Skin." However, although I hate the transfer, it will probably be good for my skin to not have a heavy cakey foundation on everyday I wear makeup (I don't wear foundation everyday, I average about 3-4 days per week, or the days I actually wake up early enough to get to play with makeup). I like to use long-wearing intense foundations like Revlon Colorstay and Loreal Infallible Pro Matte, but I think my skin will benefit from this less intense foundation in the long run. This foundation is long-wearing (as long as you don't touch your face or blow your nose, etc.) but it removes easily, making me feel like it's a benefit to my skin (compared to the other foundations I mentioned especially).
I know this review is somewhat indecisive, but I truly hope this was somewhat helpful for somebody out there! Once again, I think the concealer is great but I'm on the fence about the foundation.
Thanks for reading!
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