Week 8 - Oct. 30-Nov. 5
I've decided to give a little more structure to these posts, so we are going to go by different categories instead of just a daily diary entry format. I hope this is a little more helpful than just reading my jumbled-up thoughts.

Weight: 130 lbs, +3 lbs overall. They say you're only supposed to gain like 5 lbs the entire first trimester, so this somewhat worries me. Am I getting off on the wrong foot here? I was between 117-122 when I moved in with Justin in May and we got married in June. Being 127 at the beginning of this pregnancy is the most I've ever weighed, I just hope I don't let being pregnant be an excuse to gain a ton of weight I won't be able to handle once baby comes (especially since I was already on the weight gaining track beforehand).
Food: Aversions are starting to settle down. No real cravings though. I love cakes, cookies, brownies, etc. but that's really nothing new. :)
Morning Sickness: It's off and on, I'll have one awesome day where I feel normal and then the next day I'll pay for it. It never lasts all day, but it can last a couple hours when it's really bad. This week it seems like it's worse in the evenings. So my morning sickness began right at 5 weeks and I've been reading that some ladies start to get relief around 9-10 weeks and I sure am hoping for that!
Maternity Clothes: Not wearing any yet, but I have purchased a dress and a pair of jeans from Target. The jeans seem a little big but who knows what I'll look like once I need them. The dress is a little unflattering on me right now, but I hope it's cute with a big ole baby bump. I do worry about bras though. From what I've read it just seems like all throughout pregnancy, your boobs are gonna have random growth spurts. I can't just keep buying new bras every month... what to do...?
Emotions: I am proud to say I think I've had a pretty good handle on this so far (well since the two incidents at the very beginning before I knew I was pregnant). Every time I feel myself getting upset over something I remind myself that I'm pregnant and crazy and I can usually keep a good hold of myself.
Sleep: Is getting better, I think, but I learned that going to bed two hours earlier will only leave me up for two hours in the middle of the night.
Dreams: I actually had a dream that I was still in college. I can't remember the details of it or what was really going on, but I woke up with the fear in the back of my mind that I didn't finish my homework (like the worst feeling ever when you're in school). When I woke, I laughed about it, knowing I don't have to worry about that stuff anymore.
I also had a dream that we were at my grandpa's and my cousin was taking pregnancy tests and she just left them on the bathroom counter. They were those blue dye plus-sign types, and they were all showing up negative. I don't know what that's about, but I'm pretty sure that's the only "pregnancy-related" dream I've had since I got pregnant.
Physical Symptoms: The boobies are still off and on. They are mostly comfortable, but some days they ache. No abdominal cramping like I had in previous weeks. Holy cow, I have to pee all the time, even when I'm not drinking anything. Over the weekend Justin and I were watching TV shows. I had to go pee between each episode! I don't wake in the middle of the night to pee but pretty much everyday about one hour before it's time to get up, I have to pee and can't hold it that extra hour lol. I got a pimple on my upper shoulder blade which was super weird.
Daddy: Justin has been having strange dreams lately. He even dreamt that baby was a girl. He said it was like five years in the future and this little girl was calling him daddy.
Thanks so much for reading!
Alaina and Tiny Baby
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